How do I stop my dog from barking?


dog barking2Dog barking is acceptable behavior only when it is minimal and does not happen all of the time. Puppies and dogs are a lot like children in the sense that they like to make noise when they are enjoying themselves. Unfortunately, puppies or dogs that bark excessively can be annoying not only for you, but for your neighbors if it cannot be controlled. If or when you feel that your puppy or dog is borderline excessive with the barking then you need to determine what is causing it, rather than reprimanding the dog without any consideration as to what the issue may be.

Understanding your dog and why he or she is barking?

Understanding why your puppy or dog is barking is not rocket science; however, you will need to be a little more observant in order to find out what triggers the barking behavior in your puppy or dog. A simple step to take is when your puppy or dog begins to bark is to investigate what has spared his or her interest. If you work during the day you could set up some type of visual recorder to monitor what goes on while you are away. You can also go as far as making your puppy or dog believe that you have left the house and just listen to see if you hear anything. Most barking triggers, outside of playing, can typically be grouped into categories such as territorial, isolation, boredom, and anxiety.

What steps can I do to correct the problem?

Young puppies or adult dogs (younger than 3 years of age) typically have high energy reserves that need to be relieved frequently. Take your pet on frequent walks and teach him simple tricks like fetch in order to give him a physical outlet that you can both enjoy. Fetching is a great choice of exercise in that you do not have to exert the amount of effort your pet does and get great results. Socialize your puppy or dog with other animals and people. Introducing your pet to new things can relieve their instincts to bark in a protective and territorial manner. Make sure you have plenty of dog toys and chews laying around for your pet to indulge himself to remove the tension and anxiety of being alone.

What should I not do?

When trying to eliminate excessive barking, remember that a lot of what you do influences your dog. Often, dog owners promote the behavior inadvertently by encouraging the dog to bark at something that captured the owner’s attention. For instance, perhaps there is another animal in the yard and you tell your pet, “get um’”, and give him praise for doing so. This type teaching will undermine what you are trying to train your pet not to do – so do not do it without expecting an increase in barking behaviors.


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